Moss AB 1305 Disclosure Statement

California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures

Moss Holding Company, together with its subsidiaries, (Moss, our or we), makes the following disclosures under, and for the sole purpose of compliance with, §  44475 et seq. of Division 26, Part 10 of the California Health and Safety Code, added by the Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (VCMDA), formerly California Assembly Bill 1305. These disclosures are current as of December 20, 2024, and will be updated in accordance with the VCMDA requirements. This information is subject to change without notice.

VCMDA Sections 44475 and 44475.1 – Disclosures regarding participation in voluntary carbon markets

As a signatory to the Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE) pledge, Moss has committed to address residual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, once emissions have been reduced as much as possible, through the purchase of credible carbon offsets with efforts to transition to those that represent carbon removal and/or capture. While Moss may explore opportunities to purchase voluntary carbon offsets in the future, Moss does not currently market, sell, purchase, or use any voluntary carbon offsets as defined in the VCMDA.

VCMDA Section 44475.2 – Disclosures regarding climate-related claims and GHG emissions goals

Moss has publicly committed to reducing its GHG emissions. As a signatory to the NZCE pledge Moss has committed to taking a number of actions, including to:

  • Publish our pathway to achieve net zero by at least 2050, with an interim target in line with the Paris Agreement’s requirement to reduce global GHG emissions by 50% by 2030;
  • Collaborate with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain;
  • Measure and track our global Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions according to industry best practice via a consistent source; and
  • Report on our progress at least every two years.

Further information on the NZCE pledge is available here.

Moss is in the process of developing its pathway to achieve net zero by 2050, and has been engaging in good faith efforts to meet this commitment, with an interim target to try and publish its pathway to net zero by July 31, 2026. Initial efforts to reduce our GHG emissions include the introduction in 2024 of a facility-wide composting scheme which has reduced organic waste to landfill and therefore methane emissions. Moss also only purchases renewable energy from local energy providers to power it’s plant activities. Finally, to reduce the Scope 3 GHG emissions related to staff commuting, Moss makes available 10 high-speed car chargers for employees commuting to work.

Moss is developing processes to better measure and track our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG emissions according to industry best practice. In 2024, Moss engaged a third party consultant, Green Circle Solutions (Green Circle), to calculate our Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions for calendar year 2023, as well as to begin work to track Scope 3 GHG emissions. Green Circle calculated our Scope 1 emissions as 313.3 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) and Scope 2 emissions as 702.8 tCO2e.

Following the engagement of Green Circle, Moss is working on developing systems to embed carbon measurement systems into its operations, and has begun to identify appropriate metrics and methodologies for ongoing measurement. We are currently collaborating with Green Circle on an appropriate set of leading metrics to track.

Moss actively monitors opportunities for collaboration with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain, including consulting with customers about the reusability of certain elements manufactured by Moss.

Moss has not obtained independent verification over its GHG emission calculations, nor any other data and claims listed.