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Hint of Light

Hint of Light

Hint of Light graphic lightboxes adds dynamic, floating LED accents to SEG fabric, creating crisp, customizable illumination. Seamlessly integrated with Moss SEG systems, it offers tailored light placement on panels, walls, or ceiling canopies. Available in single or double-sided options, it delivers sleek, sophisticated lighting for a striking visual impact.

Hint of Light gives you dynamic lines of light – exactly where you want them – by adding vibrant pops of floating LED brilliance behind your SEG graphic. Available across Moss SEG systems, this crisp linear light is custom-locatable to create a unique, stimulating sense of wonder in 2D.

Design your custom light placement virtually anywhere in your panel, wall or ceiling canopy. You can create long runs of light with miters, or with custom acute and obtuse angles. Hint of Light’s captivating, crisply-defined light lines integrate with EZ Fabric Wall®, Moss Groove™ and Construct® framing.

Showcase single- or double-sided Hint of Light in your SEG surfaces for sophisticated illumination and elegant simplicity.

Hint of Light is offed with changeable backlit SEG fabric

Hint of Light

Purchase and Rental Sizes

Horizontal DimensionVertical DimensionWeightBox Weight
120 in. long (10 ft.)42 in. high (3.5 ft.)58 lbs.96 lbs.
192 in. long (16 ft)48 in. high (4 ft)119 lbs.230 lbs.
240 in. long (20 ft.)48 in. high (4 ft.)130 lbs.230 lbs.
Hint of Light

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